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Just Cause 4 Update 1.32 Fixes Dynamic Resolution Scaling On PS5

Avalanche Studios has patched Just Cause 4 to fix the backward compatibility issue with the game that led to a lower dynamic resolution.

When the game was supported on the PS5, it was a buggy version because of the dynamic resolution scaling issue. This meant that the game was stuck running at a lower resolution, possibly 720p at 30 FPS. This wasn’t patched until recently.

Just Cause 4 Update 1.32 Patch Notes

  • Fixed Dynamic Resolution Scaling for PS5

Because the last update was almost two years ago, this is a miracle that the game has been patched in the first place. We are not sure about it, but if the Xbox Series version was suffering from the same problem, it should have been patched as well. If there is no such patch on the Xbox Series, then either the game had no issues there, or the patch is not out yet.

Avalanche Studios is currently working on Contraband, which is an exclusive game for the Xbox and PC. It was revealed during the E3 2021press conference by Microsoft. They haven’t shared any plans of continuing with the Just Cause series so we have to wait and see what happens next. There is a new mobile game in development as well.

Salal Awan

Salal's main hobby is photography but he is also interested in learning the latest about Technology including Smartphones and PC Hardware. He is the co-founder of Twisted Voxel and always on the lookout for the news.

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