Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster Update 1.2.0 Introduces Battle Adjustments and Bug Fixes

by Ali Haider

Square Enix has released update 1.2.0 for Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster, introducing several gameplay adjustments and bug fixes. This update refines EXP compensation for returning characters, modifies the branching conditions for the Cid event, and improves how status effects are applied when characters are revived. Additionally, the Blitz command input has been fine-tuned, and battle behaviors have been adjusted to enhance the gameplay experience. Minor UI and control improvements have also been made to streamline player interactions.

Beyond gameplay tweaks, update 1.2.0 addresses various bugs, including a music transition issue in the final battle and a progression-stopping bug triggered under specific conditions. A problem preventing a particular achievement from unlocking has been fixed, and general bug fixes have been implemented to improve stability. The update also ensures the mini-map setting is correctly applied after displaying the map screen or loading a save. These changes refine the overall experience while maintaining the classic charm of Final Fantasy VI.

Full Patch Notes for Final Fantasy VI Ver. 1.2.0:

  • Adjusted the EXP compensation when specific characters rejoin the party.
  • Modified the branching conditions for the Cid event.
  • Mini-map will no longer be displayed under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed the Mini-map On/Off setting to be correctly applied after displaying the map screen and upon loading.
  • Permanent status changes from equipped items will now correctly apply after a character is KO’d and revived.
  • Adjusted minor battle behaviors.
  • Improved controls for the Blitz command input.
  • Various UI and control improvements.
  • Fixed an issue where the final battle music may not switch correctly.
  • Resolved a bug that could prevent game progression under specific conditions.
  • Fixed an issue preventing a specific achievement from unlocking even after meeting the requirements.
  • Various minor bug fixes.

Originally released as part of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster series, Final Fantasy VI remains a beloved entry in the franchise. The game features a rich narrative, an engaging battle system with the magicite customization mechanic, and a diverse cast of characters with their own intertwined stories.

Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster was released on February 23, 2022, for PC.

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