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Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Review – A Detective’s Delight

The Ace Attorney series, which began with Phoenix Wright, has enjoyed renewed popularity since Capcom brought these titles to modern platforms. With the release of the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, the entire series is now available worldwide, completing the collection for fans. This remaster stands out as one of the best in the series, with Capcom not only porting the games but also enhancing them with new modern assets. These updates give the collection a distinct presence among similar remasters, while still preserving the signature Ace Attorney charm that fans have grown to love.

While many are familiar with the Phoenix Wright titles, some of the spin-offs, such as The Great Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice, and Ace Attorney Investigations, were less accessible, especially to non-Japanese audiences. With this collection, these games are now fully localized in English, eliminating the need for fan translations. For dedicated fans of the series, this collection may represent the pinnacle of the franchise. It goes beyond the limited interaction and control found in earlier Phoenix Wright games by introducing new gameplay elements that add freshness and depth, making it a distinct experience from the earlier entries.

Miles Edgeworth, arguably the second most popular character in the Ace Attorney series, takes the lead in the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection, which makes the collection especially exciting for fans. Alongside him is Detective Dick Gumshoe, whose quirky and comedic personality often lightens even the most intense moments. The game also introduces a mix of new characters along with familiar faces, adding to the overall appeal and highlighting what makes Ace Attorney so entertaining. After playing through the main trilogies, the gameplay in Ace Attorney Investigations feels like a refreshing change, breathing new life into the series before it risks becoming stale.

As a fan of games like Danganronpa, Ace Attorney was a perfect match for me. Thanks to this new collection, I decided to replay the entire franchise. While some of the later cases can feel repetitive and I got burnt out by the end, I was still excited to experience Ace Attorney Investigations. The gameplay shift from a visual novel format to a more interactive detective game is one of the most significant changes. In Investigations, you can control Miles Edgeworth directly, move him around crime scenes, and interact with NPCs, adding a new layer of immersion. Though it isn’t as fully interactive as some might expect, this 2D movement feels refreshing compared to the traditional menu-based system used in earlier games.

The remastered artwork Capcom has developed for this collection is impressive. It successfully retains the essence and style of the original character sprites while updating them for modern audiences, particularly in the character portraits during conversations. While I enjoyed the updated chibi-style look of the characters, there is also the option to revert to the classic sprite-based style for those who feel nostalgic for the original design. This flexibility is a nice touch for long-time fans.

In Ace Attorney Investigations, the courtroom drama that could occasionally drag on has been replaced by a focus on investigation. Instead of long courtroom battles, the game emphasizes gathering clues, using logic to connect them, forming statements, and uncovering contradictions. This shift results in a faster pace, as players no longer need to sit through extended conversation scenes. Each chapter, typically centered around a mystery such as a death, is also more concise, making the game an ideal companion for portable platforms like the Steam Deck or Switch.

Attention to detail is crucial in Ace Attorney Investigations. Players must thoroughly examine clues, connect the dots, solve the underlying mysteries, and identify contradictions. While the game isn’t particularly challenging, especially for those familiar with previous entries, it may require some trial and error to figure out certain cases. Although the traditional courtroom setting has been removed, the cross-examination mechanic remains. Players must still question NPCs, using the clues they have gathered, but this time, without the presence of a judge, which gives the process a more fluid and liberating feel.

The game’s logic system involves collecting clues and combining them to form new lines of reasoning, which can be used during cross-examinations. This mechanic gives the game a more open-ended feel, but it is not overly difficult, as clues are presented clearly, and the game often hints at areas that need further investigation. One of the new gameplay elements introduced in the series is the Mind Chess minigame, where players observe their opponent’s behavior to gain insights, adding another layer of strategic thinking to the experience.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Ace Attorney Investigations Collection and would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys the detective genre or is already a fan of the series. The collection runs exceptionally well on modern platforms, including the Steam Deck, which is where I spent most of my time with it. While the original Phoenix Wright trilogy might hold a special place in the hearts of many, Ace Attorney Investigations is a strong contender for being considered one of the best entries in the series.

Ace Attorney Investigations Collection Game Information

  • Price: $39.99
  • Publisher: Capcom
  • Developer: Capcom
  • Platform: PC (Reviewed)
  • Disclaimer: A review code was given by the publisher


The Ace Attorney Investigations Collection revitalizes the beloved series with a focus on investigative prowess, updated visuals, and expanded gameplay mechanics. The shift to crime scene exploration and clue gathering breathes new life into the series, making it accessible to both long-time fans and newcomers. This collection stands as one of the strongest entries in the franchise, blending nostalgia and innovation for lovers of the detective genre.

Total Rating

Salal Awan

Salal's main hobby is photography but he is also interested in learning the latest about Technology including Smartphones and PC Hardware. He is the co-founder of Twisted Voxel and always on the lookout for the news.

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