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Outriders Now Runs at Stable 60 FPS On PS5 and Xbox Series With Dynamic 4K Resolution

Outriders had an early pre-launch beta that didn’t really offer stable performance, but the final retail version appears to have solved this issue.

Outriders is developed by People Can Fly, who has previously worked on Bulletstorm. The game appears to have a solid start aside from server issues and it has also launched on Xbox Game Pass. Before the release of the game, there was a short beta that let the players test the game ahead of the launch. This beta test offered some unstable performance for the current-generation consoles, especially the Xbox Series.

The final retail version is out since the start of April and according to a new technical analysis, the frame rate issues for the Xbox Series S have been resolved with the final release.

The game now runs at a dynamic 4K resolution on the PS5 and Xbox Series X which is higher on average on Series X than on the PS5. The good news is that performance is relatively stable and mostly sticks to 60 FPS on all platforms.

Xbox Series S uses a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being 1920×1080 and the lowest native resolution found being 1280×720. Native resolution pixel counts at 1280×720 seem to be uncommon on Xbox Series S. On Xbox Series S temporal upsampling is used to reconstruct a 2560×1440 resolution.

PS5 uses a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being approximately 3008×1692 and the lowest native resolution found being 1920×1080. Native resolution pixel counts at 1920×1080 seem to be rare on PS5. On PS5 temporal upsampling is used to reconstruct a 3840×2160 resolution.

Xbox Series X uses a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being approximately 3456×1944 and the lowest native resolution found being 1920×1080. Native resolution pixel counts at 1920×1080 seem to be very rare on Xbox Series X and were found less often than on PS5. On Xbox Series X temporal upsampling is used to reconstruct a 3840×2160 resolution.

outriders ps5 xbox series

So the general consensus is that the game runs at a stable 60 FPS. Resolution-wise, PS5 and Xbox Series X render at a dynamic 4K resolution while the Xbox Series S version renders at dynamic 1080p.

Outriders is available now for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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