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Sonic Colors Ultimate Visuals and Resolution Are Improved But Frame Rate Is Still 30 On Switch

Sonic Colors Ultimate is out now and since the original was exclusive to the Nintendo Wii, it gets the chance to shine on newer platforms.

While the original Sonic Colors was also available on the Nintendo Wii, a separate version was also released on the Nintendo DS. The new remaster is based on the Wii version and aside from visuals, it has also added some new content including a new Wisp and more.

The difference between the Wii and Sonic Colors Ultimate on Nintendo Switch is already massive thanks to the resolution but the visuals have also received a boost for the game. It looks shinier and like a current-generation Sonic game thanks in part to the art style.

The game runs at 900p resolution on the Nintendo Switch when docked, and with a 30 FPS frame rate. This is in contrast to the 60 FPS supported on the current-generation consoles, making it a poor choice unless you want portability. What is worse is that this performance is not maintained and it can drop below the target, even after the latest patch.

The launch of the game was full with problems from bugs and glitches to other issues that plagued it. They are slowly being patched with new updates, but it is still far from perfect. The loading times on the Switch are also slightly worse than the Nintendo Wii.

Salal Awan

Salal's main hobby is photography but he is also interested in learning the latest about Technology including Smartphones and PC Hardware. He is the co-founder of Twisted Voxel and always on the lookout for the news.

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