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ATLUS and Vanillaware Reveal New Details on Unicorn Overlord

ATLUS and Vanillaware have provided new details about their upcoming tactical RPG, Unicorn Overlord. The game is set to release on March 8, 2024, and features a rich narrative and diverse cast of characters, each playing a crucial role in the protagonist’s journey to unify the continent.

Key Characters In Unicorn Overlord

Gilbert: The crown prince of Drakenhold, is forming a secret force to retake his kingdom after his father’s demise in the war against the Zenoiran army.

Virginia: A Cornian royal family survivor, now in Drakenhold, seeks revenge for her lost kingdom.

Berengaria: A leader of the Tricorn Mercenaries, her sudden disappearance after the disbanding of her group is a mystery.

Aramis: An elegant yet deadly mercenary from Drakenhold, known for his skill with the blade.

Unicorn Overlord introduces innovative social activities that add strategic layers to the game:

  • Rapport Building: Strengthening bonds between characters through battles, meals, and other interactions enhances their abilities and unlocks special content.
  • Taverns: Characters can boost their Rapport by sharing meals, with different foods affecting Rapport levels variably.
  • Gifts: Assigning characters to guard towns and giving them preferred gifts raises their Rapport.
  • Ring of Covenant: This symbolic element, comprising the Ring of the Unicorn and the Ring of the Maiden, is pivotal in the game. The Ring of the Maiden is bestowed upon characters who have maximized their Rapport with the protagonist, Alain.

Unicorn Overlord will be released on various platforms, including Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4.

Greg Martin

Writer in his spare time and full time mechanical Engineer.

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