Update 1.01 has been rolled out for Mundfish’s forthcoming FPS action role-playing game, Atomic Heart, and its patch notes have also been revealed.
Details regarding what the Atomic Heart update version 1.01 does are limited, though it primarily improves the state of the game over the default version 1.00 that likely comes on disc. The update was rolled out very recently on January 14, 2023.

Atomic Heart Update 1.01 (1.001.000) Patch Notes
Patch notes for update 1.01 (1.001.000) for the PS4/PS5 version of Atomic Heart can be seen below.
- Multiple bug fixes and improvements
The download size of the update has also been revealed, and it weighs in at 20.1 GB on PlayStation platforms. For those who purchase a digital copy of Atomic Heart on PSN, the update should come pre-installed with the game once it is available for pre-load.
As mentioned earlier, update 1.01 is mainly to address bugs and issues that continue to linger after version 1.00 of Atomic Heart. Other improvements may include performance gains, though that has yet to be confirmed.
Previously, the official Twitter account for Atomic Heart announced the resolution and frame rate for the game on PS5 and Xbox Series X. It does not appear to feature different graphics modes, instead targeting a resolution of 4K and a frame rate of 60 fps on both the PS5 and Xbox Series X. There is a minor caveat, however.
According to developer Mundfish, Atomic Heart operates at a stable frame rate of 60 fps while maintaining a resolution of 4K inside of dungeons on both current-gen platforms. However, upon exiting the dungeon area and entering the open world, a dynamic resolution is engaged, which targets and mostly hits a resolution of 4K while maintaining a stable frame rate 60 fps. This is the first we’ve heard of specifics regarding the technical aspects of the console versions. Footage seen from the game thus far is known to be running on PC.