GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition continues to suffer from technical issues despite its Steam launch.
An indie game developer by the name of Havi on Twitter had a look at the game files for both Steam and Rockstar Launcher versions of GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition, and it turns out that not much changed and the game continues to suffer from technical issues.

The major patch that was supposed to have fixed a large number of the glaring technical issues with GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition hardly fixed any of said issues. Certain in-game objects that had been misplaced continues to remain as such, and the AI upscaled roads continue to look bugged in GTA 3, GTA Vice City, and GTA San Andreas.
The patch also led to new glitches that weren’t present in the game before, such as a bug where some parts of your car change color every time you open and close the garage door in San Andreas. Meanwhile, glitches from the original 2001 release of GTA 3 remain present in GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition post-patch.
As exciting it is to know that the game has arrived on Steam, Rockstar Games will need to significantly improve the state of the game as soon as possible. It will require a large list of new fixes and major improvements, or it risks getting many negative reviews from Steam users. GTA III has already received mixed reviews on Steam, and the developer is likely aware of this.
Previously, it was reported that the developer behind the Rockstar Games’ GTA Trilogy had quietly been changed after the game’s disastrous launch. Grove Street Games no longer appears to be the developer behind the GTA Trilogy, based on a post on LinkedIn by the studio’s CEO, Thomas Williamson.
According to Williamson, the development team at Grove Street Games has been working on porting ARK to the Switch since April and plans to explore new partnerships. He said that some of the team will be freed up next year, while the rest will be focused on the development of ARK 2.