GTA V Enhanced And Expanded Faces Backlash Over Missing Text Chat On PC, Fix May Be Incoming

by Muhammad Ali Bari

The Enhanced and Expanded PC version of Rockstar Games’ open world action game, GTA V, is facing backlash over its missing text chat feature.

GTA V players on PC are expressing their frustration over the Enhanced and Expanded version’s missing text chat feature. Developer Rockstar Games has yet to offer an explanation for the removal of the text-based in-game chat system in the latest PC update, leaving players with awkward means of communicating with one another in GTA Online.

Gta v pc missing text chat

The closest thing we have to an official acknowledgement regarding the lack of in-game text chat in the Enhanced and Expanded PC version of GTA V is an alleged conversation between a player and support staff. The Rockstar Games representative said that the developer is aware in-game text chat is currently not supported in GTA V Enhanced, suggesting that it will be added via a future update. For now, the support representative asked the player to use the game’s SMS option or platform-specific chat features.

Now that we don't have a text chat in GTAO Enhanced, this is the only way we communicate from now on
byu/Ekermerc ingtaonline

The likely scenario for the lack of in-game text chat in the Enhanced and Expanded PC version of GTA V is that it is based on the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions, which didn’t include the feature to begin with.  It’s also worth noting that the PC version of Red Dead Redemption 2 didn’t offer an in-game text-chat system for players to use. As such, it’s likely that Rockstar Games has entirely removed the feature from its development pipeline. We won’t be holding our breath for a text-based communication system in the PC version of GTA VI, whenever that happens!

On the positive side of things, the Enhanced and Expanded PC version of GTA V does offer some nice graphical improvements over both the vanilla PC version and the current-gen console versions. Read about it here.

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