The roadmap for Insomniac Games’ future titles and test footage from the upcoming Marvel’s Wolverine have allegedly been leaked.
A few days ago, it was reported that Insomniac Games’ was hit by a ransomware attack that had given hackers access to all of its data. That data now appears to have been leaked, with details regarding the studio’s upcoming titles. The leak includes Insomniac Games’ future roadmap, test footage, concept art, as well as story and cast details for Marvel’s Wolverine. There’s also some concept art for a new Ratchet title.

Marvel’s Wolverine Test Footage Revealed
Alleged test footage that has been leaked in the Insomniac Games ransomware hack can be seen below.
Marvel’s Wolverine Concept Art
Brand new leaked concept art for Marvel’s Wolverine can be seen below.
Marvel’s Wolverine Story Details
According to the leaked documents, Marvel’s Wolverine will be set in Alaska, Avalon, Canada, Japan, and Madripoor. The game begins with an introductory cinematic, after which Logan will find himself in a cabin. Multiple items must be interacted with before he can leave the cabin: claw marks, fire, mallet, radio, papers, cooler. Walter will greet him outside the cabin, and they’ll go through a walking segment. Logan will then be taught to parkour and do other traversal mechanics by completing a small course along the mountainside. Walter and Logan will reach a small hunting site and Walter will instruct Logan to hunt a caribou. This is when Logan will further be taught to use his Senses to follow glowing gold hoof prints in the snow.
On its first encounter with the Logan, the caribou will run away from him. He will then track it and be taught to stealth in bushes. He will attack it by throwing a knife at it. The caribou will run off again and Logan will have to continue to track it by using his Sound Senses. Blue aura will appear when the senses spot has been hit. Later, another small traversal challenge section will occur. Logan will then be taught how to sprint across trees and will end the Mission with a stealth takedown on the caribou.
Marvel’s Wolverine Cast Details
Leaked details regarding the cast in Marvel’s Wolverine can be seen below.
Pragathi Guruprasad plays Davina, leader of the mutant village in Madripoor.
Troy Baker will play Nathaniel Essex (Sinister), adoptive father to Logan and Creed.
Jeff Nordling will play Walter Lankowski (Sasquatch), the scientist that escaped from Essex.
Jolean Kim will play Yuriko Oyama (Deathstrike).
Noga Wind will play Leech, a younger mutant whom Jean cares for in the safehouse.
Liam McIntyre will play Logan (the Wolverine).
Krizia Bajos will play, Jean Grey, the second protagonist.
Kelly Hu will play Jessán Hoan (Tyger Tiger), Raven’s wife and the owner of the Princess Bar.
Nicole Pacent will play Raven Darkholm (Mystique), who assumes the identity of Bolivar Trask in Madripoor.
Debra Wilson will play Callisto, matriarch of Jean’s found family in Brooklyn.
Raphael Korkhill will play Arkady Rossovich (Omega Red).
Jonathan Toshiobu Tanigaki will play Shiro Yoshida (Sunfire), a Mutant freedom fighter in Tokyo.
Brett Gipson will play Viktor Creed (Sabretooth), Logan’s adopted brother.
Insomniac Games’ Future Roadmap
The roadmap for future titles from Insomniac Games can be seen below.
- Marvel’s Venom in Fall 2025
- Marvel’s Wolverine in Fall 2026
- Marvel’s Spider-Man 3 in Fall 2028
- New Ratchet & Clank in Fall 2029
- Marvel’s X-Men in Fall 2030
- New IP in 2031/2032
Unannounced Ratchet & Clank Title Concept Art
Concept art and internal slides for an unannounced Ratchet & Clank game can be seen below. Based on the roadmap, it is scheduled for release in the year 2029.