Multiple games based on the Transformers franchise are currently in development at Microsoft Studios, based on the latest information.
The Australian Classification Board has added listings for two titles based on the Transformers franchise, with both listing Microsoft Studios as the production company. Furthermore, both games have been given a rating of PG (Parental Guidance) by the board, with one containing “online interactivity” and “scary scenes” and the other having “mild violence”, “online interactivity”, and “users interact”. The production date for both titles is 2024.

Going by the listings, it is evident that both games feature online multiplayer functionality in some shape or form. However, the distinction between the ‘Original’ and ‘Modified’ versions remains unclear. It’s also worth highlighting that the Australian Classifications Board typically publishes such entries when games are close to their release dates or if they are made available as closed/public betas. Therefore, it appears that both titles may receive official announcements in the near future.
Another upcoming multiplayer Transformers title, known as Transformers Reactivate, is an online action game developed by Splash Damage, the studio behind Dirty Bomb, Gears Tactics, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, in collaboration with Hasbro Inc. The PC & console co-op game will offer players an opportunity to explore a fresh, new story within the Transformers universe. Richard Jolly, CEO of Splash Damage, states, “Growing up with G1 TRANSFORMERS in the ’80s means it’ll always hold a special place in my heart, it’s both an honor and a privilege to work with such a beloved franchise. We know fans have been waiting a long time for a new TRANSFORMERS game on consoles and pc, and we’re going to give them the experience they deserve.” According to the developer, players will get to play as some of their favorite characters; unique, weighty, and powerful, seamlessly converting between vehicle and robot form as they battle The Legion; the greatest threat the robots in disguise have faced.