The PS Plus Extra lineup for the month of September, 2022 has been announced, and among the prominent additions to its catalog is a Microsoft owned game.
The latest additions to PS Plus Extra will be available to subscribers starting from September 20, 2022. The list includes major third-party titles, such as Assassin’s Creed Origins, Watch Dogs 2, and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. However, arguably the most prominent addition is Deathloop, which happens to be a game owned by Microsoft after its acquisition of Bethesda.

PS Plus Extra Lineup For September 2022
The full lineup for PS Plus Extra for the month of September, 2022 can be seen below.
- Deathloop (PS5)
- Assassin’s Creed Origins (PS4)
- Watch Dogs 2 (PS4)
- Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (PS4)
- Spiritfarer: Farewell Edition (PS4)
- Chicory (PS4/PS5)
- Monster Energy Supercross (PS4/PS5)
- Alex Kidd in Miracle World (PS4)
- Rabbids Invasion (PS4)
- Rayman Legends (PS4)
- Scott Pilgrim (PS4)
PS Plus Premium Lineup For September 2022
The PS Classics included in the PS Plus Premium subscription along with the PS Plus Extra catalog for the month of September 2022 can be seen below.
- Syphon Filter 2 (PS1)
- Toy Story 3 (PSP)
- Kingdom of Paradise (PSP)
- The Sly Collection (PS3)
- Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (PS3)
- Bentley’s Hackpack (PS3)
PS Plus Essential Lineup For September 2022
PS Plus Extra and Premium subscribers will also be able to add the PS Plus Essential games for the month to their game library. These games can be seen below.
- Need for Speed: Heat (PS4)
- Toem: A Photo Adventure (PS4/PS5)
- Granblue Fantasy Versus (PS4)
Deathloop is a first-person shooter story about two rival assassins trapped in a mysterious timeloop on the island of Blackreef and doomed to repeat the same day forever. It is developed by the maker of the Dishonored series, Arkane Lyon. Colt’s only way out is to kill eight crucial targets before the day resets in order to break the cycle. Players will be required to learn from each cycle by exploring new avenues, gathering intelligence, and acquiring new skills and weapons. On the other hand, players can also assume the role of Julianna instead to defend the loop by invading other players’ games and stopping Colt.
The game’s time loop isn’t strictly timed; instead, it’s designed to give players more freedom and time to eliminate these eight targets in a single loop. The island is divided into four districts: Updaam, Karl’s Bay, Fristad Rock, and The Complex. Each district has its own set of four times of day: Morning, Noon, Afternoon, and Evening. Depending on what time of day the player enters a particular district, the people there have different routines, and what the player does in one district can change the routines in the others.