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Resident Evil Village PC Demo: Here’s How You Can Reset Timer

Resident Evil Village demo is available to download now on all platforms. The PC version of the demo has a loophole that allows resetting the demo timer.

Resident Evil Village demo will be available from May 1st until the launch of the game on May 7. While the demo is available for a limited time, it can also be played for a limited time only. There is a restriction of just 60 minutes for the demo that covers the Village and Castle section from the final game.

Thankfully, as it comes with most PC games in general, there is a loophole that allows anyone to reset the demo timer so that it can be replayed again, and without any restrictions.

How To Reset Resident Evil Village Demo Timer

This method was best explained by a user on Steam so credit goes to that user.

1. Disable Steam Cloud for RE8 Demo
2. Download Steam SAM (Steam Achievement Manager)
3. Delete Local Savefiles
(Located: D:\Steam\userdata\<YOUR STEAM ID>\1541780\remote\win64_save\
Delete those Files.
4. Start Steam SAM
5. Select RE8 Demo
6. Remove Achievements and Stats, confirm.

If you run the Demo now, Timer is Reset to 1Hour.
You can do that in a couple of Seconds, i even wrote a small tool to do that for me…

Info: If you do not want to set the Settings again all the Time, Reset everything, start the Demo to Main Menu, change all Settings you need and Close the game.
No go to your Local Save and copy data00-1.bin (this is where those settings are stored)
Once you have to reset again, proceed as Step 3 and just add the data00-1.bin you saved to the folder.

This should reset the timer for the Resident Evil Village PC demo.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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