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Sony Begins Selling Digital PS5 Game Codes Once Again, But Only For PSVR2 Titles

Sony has once again begun to sell digital PS5 game codes, though, for now, only PSVR2 titles are available in this manner.

YouTuber JOAO_PSX has reported that Sony is now selling digital PS5 game codes for PSVR2 titles in Brazil. The console maker had previously put a ban on third-party sale of digital game codes for PlayStation titles outside of the PlayStation Store. However, this appears to have changed for PSVR2 titles.

Ps5 digital game codes

Sony’s Virtual Reality headset peripheral for the PS5 hasn’t seen the kind of success that the company had hoped for. As such, the company appears to be trying different methods to improve its situation. The availability of cheaper third-party game codes for PSVR2 titles as well as forthcoming PC support may well increase interest in the VR headset. As far as hardware goes, the PSVR2 is among the very best on the market. However, software support has been limited, and the lack of backward compatibility with PSVR titles hasn’t helped either.

It’s unclear whether the availability of digital game codes will further extend to non-VR PS5 titles, but for now it seems that the initiative is limited to PSVR2 games. As seen in the screenshot above, game codes for titles such as Gran Turismo 7, Resident Evil Village, Cities Skylines VR, and Star Wars: Tales From the Galaxy’s Edge are available for purchase via third-party retailers. Some of these games feature optional VR support, so those who don’t own a PSVR2 may also benefit from this offer.

Back in March, 2019, it was revealed that Sony had sent out a memo to retailers, stating that it will no longer provide full game digital download codes to them. As a result, the only means to purchase digital games from then onward was the PlayStation Store. The restriction did not apply to add-on content and PlayStation Store credit vouchers, however.

Muhammad Ali Bari

Muhammad Ali Bari has a knack for covering reviews. He manages our content pipeline, creates timelines for scheduled editorial tasks, and helps us cover exciting content. In his spare time, he enjoys playing multiplayer games.

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