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Starfield Will Offer A Sizeable Number of Achievements

Bethesda Game Studios’ upcoming action role-playing game, Starfield, will offer a sizeable number of achievements, based on the latest information.

According to a screenshot that has emerged online, Starfield will feature a total of 50 achievements. The screenshot shows the game’s achievement progress bar, which clearly indicates the number of trophies that completionists will need to unlock in order to achieve 100% progress.

Starfield achievements

Other prominent titles from Bethesda have also received a total of 50 achievements since Fallout 3, making this a bit of an unsurprising turn out events. Nevertheless, given the sheer scale of Bethesda’s massive role-playing game, 50 achievements seems like a bit of a small figure. Completionists will likely have their work cut out in order to unlock all of them and earn the 100% completion achievement.

Previously, speaking during an episode of Kinda Funny Xcast, Starfield director Todd Howard stated that the game will not feature any land vehicles or creatures for transportation on planets, and that there were no plans of adding a Performance mode on Xbox Series X|S. In addition, he confirmed the existence of a space radio, but said that it is only available in one localized area.

Howard also mentioned that stolen ships can be modified, though they first need to be registered before doing so. He added that deeper ship building is meant to be more of a late game system, but basic changes can be made earlier on.

With regards to side quests, Howard stated that there will be ones that aren’t simply “kill ten things, get item, turn in for reward”. He mentioned Outposts as another “deep system” similar to advanced ship building. Players will be able to start up quick outposts earlier in the game, but the more intricate “go crazy” aspects are available later on. Resources and trade routes can be created between outposts in order to generate economy.

Muhammad Ali Bari

Muhammad Ali Bari has a knack for covering reviews. He manages our content pipeline, creates timelines for scheduled editorial tasks, and helps us cover exciting content. In his spare time, he enjoys playing multiplayer games.

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