The uncensored version of the Holiday bunny suit featured in Sony Interactive Entertainment and Shift Up’s action adventure game, Stellar Blade, can only be accessed via retail copies of the game.
It turns out that the Holiday bunny suit featured in Stellar Blade was censored via a stealth patch before digital review copies were sent out to members of the gaming press. This became clear once retail copies of the game became available, as players were able to run it without the update installed, revealing the uncensored version of the costume.

The uncensored bunny outfit for Eve can be seen in the video below.
Stellar Blade Holiday Bunny outfit on base physical disc (Version 1.0)
TLDR; The digital review copies that went out 100% got stealth patched but physical discs still have the OG outfit
— Aoki雫 (@AokiShizuku) April 26, 2024
Those who have access to a retail copy of Stellar Blade can see the uncensored version of the costume by running version 1.0 of the game off the disc without any updates installed. If you do have the latest update installed, simply uninstall and then re-install it via the disc, and cancel any update that may begin downloading. Should your PS5 make it mandatory to install the update before playing, simply disconnect from the internet in order to boot the game, and then re-connect afterwards.
Back when the playable demo for Stellar Blade was released, some players complained about the game suffering from high input lag. If you’re among those who had issues with the controls feeling weighty, there is a fix that currently still works with the full game. Simply head over to your PS5’s settings menu, then navigate your way to the System menu. Once there, look for a tab labeled “HDMI”. You will see that the option “Enable HDCP” is turned on, and this is the setting that you need to turn off. Once it is disabled, you can go back to playing the Stellar Blade, and the input lag should now be reduced.