Remedy Entertainment’s Alan Wake 2 is scheduled for release sometime in the month of October, 2023, according to the protagonist’s voice actor.
Speaking during an interview on the Monsters, Madness and Magic podcast, Alan Wake 2 voice actor Matthew Porretta stated that the game is set for release sometime in October, 2023. He added that he flew over to Remedy’s office in Finland last week to work on the game.

Regarding the game itself, there wasn’t a whole lot that he was able to share. He said that Alan Wake 2 is going to be “really, really good”. He added that it’s going to be a tough and scary game, and that Remedy Entertainment is doing some “amazing stuff”.
If what Porretta said is accurate, this would imply that a release date announcement from Remedy will happen sometime soon, possibly at either of the PlayStation or Xbox Showcase event.
Previously, it was reported that the development of Alan Wake 2 is coming along nicely, and that the game is shaping up to be a “true” next-gen showcase. The co-founder of XboxEra and co-host of the XboxEra Podcast, Shpeshal Nick, took to Twitter to state that he’s heard Alan Wake 2 is pretty far along in development, and that it will deliver a “true” next-gen experience. He suggested that publisher Epic Games has made a major investment in the Alan Wake sequel.
Nick didn’t reveal a whole lot, but his information is in line with what Porretta said regarding the game’s release, and also with what has been reported about Alan Wake 2 in the past. The Creative director at Remedy Entertainment, Sam Lake, and game director, Kyle Rowley, had revealed earlier that Alan Wake 2 will end up being the studio’s biggest and most ambitious game to date, and that the game will deliver a genuine survival horror experience.