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The Telltale Batman Shadows Edition Rated In Australia

Telltale is reportedly planning on launching their Batman games collection under a Shadows Edition. This title has been rated in Australia.

Telltale Games was closed at the end of 2018 and then a majority of the studios’ assets were bought by LCG Entertainment. They wanted to relaunch Telltale Games under new leadership. Their plan was to bring back the back-catalog of games developed by Telltale Games and also work on new ones that are still owned by the company.

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Telltale Games had launched a collection for The Walking Dead series featuring all four seasons that also comes with some minor improvements. Australian Rating Board has now rated a new collection of Telltale games, this time based on Batman.

Batman had received two seasons from TellTale Games before the studio closed down. The first was simply titled Batman: The Telltale Series while the sequel was called Batman: The Enemy Within. Both of these games had received five episodes each. If the new Batman Shadows Edition is being rated for a launch, it could contain these two seasons in a single package just like The Walking Dead Collection.

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To our knowledge, this hasn’t been officially announced yet however knowing Australia Rating Board, it usually means an announcement for these games is due soon. Since this is not a new collection but merely a relaunch, don’t expect to see any major extra features in it.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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