The pre-load date and download size for the prequel to Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion, have been revealed.
Database entries for the pre-load date, download size, and the most recent update for the PS4 and PS5 versions of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion have been revealed via PlayStation Game Size on Twitter. The approximate download size for the Xbox version has also been revealed via the Xbox store. Similarly, the download size for the Nintendo Switch version has also been revealed.

Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion Final Download Size
The respective download size for Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion on each platform can be seen below.
- PS4: 40.496 GB (Version: 1.01)
- PS5: 20.993 GB (Version: 1.001.000)
- Xbox: 23 GB
- Nintendo Switch: 16.1 GB
Pre-load Date
The pre-load date for Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion can be seen below.
- Pre-Load: December 11, 2022
Previously, the trophy/achievement list for Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion was revealed ahead of the game’s release later this year on December 13, 2022. There are a total of 51 trophies/achievements for game completionists to unlock.
Crisis Core – Final Fantasy VII – Reunion will feature a brand new menu-based battle system and improved controls, among other notable improvements. The new features highlighted by Square Enix include improved camera and character movement, optimized UI, a new menu-based battle system, new background music arrangements by Takeharu Ishimoto, and full voice overs added to scenes that were previously text only.
Hajime Tabata directed the original game, while Tetsuya Nomura was the character designer. Square Enix had planned to build a PlayStation Portable adaptation of the mobile phone game Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII before starting production, but after some deliberation, they opted to design a new game instead. The story is based on a situation envisioned by Kazushige Nojima while working on Final Fantasy VII.