When the first proper trailer for Cyberpunk 2077 was revealed at E3 2018, a slew of information about the game also made its way to the internet from both CD Projekt Red and Journalists that were being shown gameplay demos behind closed doors.
And while gamers everywhere were hyped about the game, there was a common misconception that was going around in many online circles. A lot of people, including myself, had been expecting the game to be in third-person.
It’s not hard to see why this was the case either since CD Projekt Red had a history at that point for creating exclusively third-person games in the form of the Witcher series.
Now, some new information about the game has come to light.
Cyberpunk 2077 Third-Person Camera and Cut Content
In a brand new article from Bloomberg, reporter Jason Schreier reveals some of the issues that have plagued the game during its development. The reporting delves into the culture of crunch that has been fostered inside CD Projekt Red, as well as the many shortcomings of the management itself.
Jason also personally took to Twitter to further explain that up until 2016, Cyberpunk 2077 was intended to be a third-person game, and many other features like wall-running, car ambushes, and flying cars were cut out of the game as well.

If you’re familiar with the long and arduous process of game development, then this should really not come as a surprise to you. Developers cut out all sorts of content from their game, whether it’s due to a lack of time or resources.
Still, it does make one wonder how this game would have looked and played in a first-person view.
While you’re here, why not also check out our article on CD Projekt Red responding to accusations that the Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Demo was faked.
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