Dead Space creator Glen Schofield has confirmed that EA rejected his pitch for a fourth entry in the survival horror game series.
During an interview on the Dan Allen Gaming YouTube channel, Dead Space creator Glen Schofield and fellow developers Christopher Stone and Bret Robbins offered an in-depth look at the development of the 2008 original. They shared details on game design, physics, enemies, animations, marketing, and the challenges they faced during the creation process. They also discussed how they pitched Dead Space 4 to EA earlier this year.

Schofield shared that him, Stone and Robbins sat down with EA representatives to discuss the possibility of working on a Dead Space 4 earlier this year. However, according to them, the publisher didn’t budge. The EA representatives told the Dead Space creators that they weren’t interested in pursuing a fourth entry at the time, but they appreciated the offer.
Schofield mentioned that they didn’t take it any further with EA, and that they respected the publisher’s opinion. He said that the company is aware of its numbers and what it has to ship. According to him, the industry is in a weird place right now. He added that companies are really hesitant to take risks. As such, he said that one has to take such corporate viewpoints with a grain of salt. That such, he expressed some optimism, saying that maybe it would happen one day. The three creators are certainly on-board for it., and they’ve got some ideas on how to approach fourth entry in the Dead Space series.
Going by recent turn of events, EA doesn’t appear to be interested in pursuing the Dead Space franchise at all. Back in April, Motive Studio General Manager Patrick Klaus revealed that a group of developers from the studio, including the Dead Space remake project leads, had joined the teams at Criterion, DICE and Ripple Effect to work on the next Battlefield title. Read about it here.