A rumored world map for Rockstar Games’ upcoming GTA VI has been reveled, indicating a massive, detail-rich open world that echoes the depth seen in the world of Red Dead Redemption 2.
Reddit user DuPz0r has put together a rough sketch of the world map featured in GTA VI, based on the leaked clips. The user claims to have estimated the size of the world map from the coordinates seen on each clip and calculating the distance between them.

GTA VI Rumored World Map
The aforementioned rough sketch of GTA VI’s world map can be seen below. Dark green regions indicate areas we don’t know anything about at this point. The map is also compared to the size of GTA V’s world map.
DuPz0r’s world map sketch includes speculative information, as we currently don’t have a good estimation of what the coast lines looks like. These areas are marked in the color orange.
Another user, Fido_le_muet, put together a rough sketch of GTA VI’s world map without any any speculative elements, though it is outdated and hasn’t received updates in quite some time. This version of the map can be seen below.
Previously, it was reported that the graphical leap from RDR 2 to GTA VI will be more substantial than the one from GTA V to RDR2. Through its sources, Rockstar Mag obtained information on the technical improvements that Rockstar Games’ next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series, GTA VI, will bring thanks to the evolution of the RAGE engine. As per the details learned, the visual gap between Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA VI will be greater than the one already seen between GTA V and RDR 2. According to the leaked information, Rockstar Games is developing a new technology for water physics, which will be integrated into GTA VI.