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Indiana Jones Will Emphasize Exploration, More Details Coming in 2024

Bethesda Softworks and Machine Games’ upcoming Indiana Jones game will put emphasis on exploration, based on the latest information.

Speaking in an interview, Indiana Jones Executive Producer Todd Howard shared that he’s a huge fan of the movies, and that Raiders of the Lost Ark is his favorite adventure. He mentioned that the franchise can be brought to video games in a unique way, but didn’t go into further detail.

Indiana jones exploration

Todd did share that exploration will play a key role in the Indiana Jones game adaptation, as that’s what the character does in the movies. He expressed that he wants the player to feel that they are indeed playing an Indiana Jones game and not just watching.

Recently, during another interview, Todd revealed that he is midway through executive producing the upcoming Indiana Jones game, implying that development on the game is half complete. Regarding the game, Howard shared that developer Machine Games’ has nailed the whole Nazi killing aspect, and that they’re doing a really great job. Additionally, The XboxEra podcast co-host Shpeshal Nick had previously stated that the Indiana Jones game will feature both first-person and third-person camera perspectives.

The upcoming Indiana Jones game was announced with a teaser trailer that was full of enticing indications about where the game may take place. It showed a passport, a hat, and a whip, among other things. Even more interesting is the presence of what looks to be a plane ticket to Rome and the year date 1937. This date sets the events of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade in the franchise’s history. The game may involve Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini based on the era and location. In addition, the notes on the desk hint to the involvement of the Vatican and the US government.

Muhammad Ali Bari

Muhammad Ali Bari has a knack for covering reviews. He manages our content pipeline, creates timelines for scheduled editorial tasks, and helps us cover exciting content. In his spare time, he enjoys playing multiplayer games.

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