PlayStation and Insomniac Games’ Wolverine will reportedly be an M rated game, and it is targeted for a Fall 2024 release.
Speaking during the latest episode of GiantBomb’s Game Mess Mornings, Jeff Grubb revealed that Marvel’s Wolverine will be rated M for mature, and will see release sometime within the Fall 2024 window.

According to Grubb, Marvel’s Wolverine is aiming to launch a year after Spider-Man 2 in Fall 2024. However, he added that Insomniac is internally discussing a 2025 release date, suggesting that things aren’t set in the stone at this point in time. Grubb also claimed that Insomniac is aiming for a “hard R” rating, implying an M for mature rating as per the ESRB. He further stated that the game will be avoiding any ties to Fox’s X-Men movies.
Grubb also revealed some details regarding the gameplay, stating that Marvel’s Wolverine will likely feature human dismemberment that Respawn wasn’t able to incorporate in Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order due to its T for teen rating. Additionally, he said that the game will not feature an open world, and will likely take a semi-open/wide-linear approach to level design, similar to that of God of War.
Marvel’s Wolverine is currently in development for the PS5. The game is being developed by Insomniac Games and PlayStation in collaboration with Marvel Games.
Previously, Insomniac Games confirmed that the other game in development at the studio, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, will hit store shelves in Fall 2023. The PlayStation Store page for the game also went live recently, and users have been able to add it to their wishlists. In addition, Venom voice actor Tony Todd recently shared some interesting tidbits regarding the character’s involvement in the game.
Speaking during a podcast, Todd suggested that Venom will be featured in set-pieces similar to the one’s involving Rhino in Spider-man Miles Morales. He specifically highlighted the scene where Miles is chasing down Rhino, while smashing through windows. He said that Venom’s presence will be in the same vein, likely implying that the character will be featured in a lot of similar, cinematic set-pieces.