Bioware has denied Commander Shepard’s involvement in Mass Effect 4 after a listing on the official gear store hinting at a return for the iconic series protagonist. This has raised more questions surrounding Shepard’s return. The listing in question is for a lithograph titled Mysteries From the Future.
The description of said store listing was promptly edited out to exclude any mention of Commander Shepard. Whether they have a role to play in Mass Effect 4 remains shrouded in mystery, but this slip up suggests that there’s more to it than a simple error.
The original thing was written by the people who run the store and aren't familiar with the game 🙂
— Michael Gamble (@GambleMike) May 10, 2022
The original listing stated that Shepard’s last quest may have put a stop to the Reapers’ danger, but it came at a high price, including the destruction of Earth. While Shepard and the survivors pick up the pieces, fans are left wondering what happens next. After this listing, fans certainly are left wondering if Commander Shepard is actually in the game.

It further mentions that a Krogan and its 4-member team head towards a Geth-shaped crater with a ship that resembles the Normandy, with SFX emblazoned on either side. There’s also mention about Bioware GM Gary McKay hinting at at least 5 surprises hidden in the lithograph poster. As to what those hints are is anyone’s guess.
Mass Effect is a BioWare action role-playing game series, with the first installment published in 2007 for the Xbox 360, PC and later the PS3. It was followed by the release of Mass Effect 2 in 2010, Mass Effect 3 in 2012, and Mass Effect Andromeda in 2017. The latter was developed in DICE’s Frostbite engine, and was marred by several technical issues at launch. The in-development Mass Effect 4 is being developed using the Unreal Engine. In this way, Bioware will avoid the problems that Mass Effect Andromeda faced game, allowing them to focus on the underlying mechanics and plot. A release date or an actual title for Mass Effect 4 has yet to be announced.