An alleged screenshot leak for the latest entry in Nintendo’s Pikmin series, Pikmin 4, has provided details regarding the names of captains featured in the game.
A Reddit user claims to know new details regarding Pikmin 4, including the names of the four captains featured in the game. According to them, the four captains will be named after dog breeds.
Much like in the Pikmin 3, the captains in Pikmin 4 will have their own naming convention. However, instead of code words like Alfa, Charlie, Bravo, and Delta, the new captains featured in Pikmin 4 will be named after dog breeds, with the main character i.e. the pink-haired captain, being named Pom after the Pomeranian dog breed.
The leaker also claimed to know some new details regarding the ‘night mode’ gameplay mechanic. However, they stated that they plan on sharing them sometime later.
Pikmin 4 is an upcoming real-time strategy video game developed and published by Nintendo. Following Pikmin 3, it will be the series’ fourth mainline installment and its sixth overall. The game is scheduled to go on sale for the Nintendo Switch on July 21, 2023.

The core gameplay in Pikmin 4 is identical to that of its predecessors in the Pikmin series: players take control of a tiny leader who must spend a day on a planet that resembles Earth raising Pikmin to use in overcoming obstacles, securing items, and accomplishing particular objectives in various locations. Pikmin 4 introduces new species of Pikmin with new abilities to help solve puzzles and combat enemies, such as Ice Pikmin who can freeze enemies and water, as well as a mechanic for deploying Pikmin and a camera option that is much closer to the ground.
In addition, the player will be able to control Oatchi, a canine-like creature that can help carry items and ferry Pikmin across water. The main plot of the game will focus on saving castaways from a brand-new humanoid race on the same planet as the Pikmin games.