PlayStation Is Sending Free Three PS4 Dynamic Themes and 2018 Gaming Stats In Email
PlayStation Network users in North America will get an email with three different PS4 dynamic themes and their 2018 gaming stats. Here’s a look at the free rewards offered by Sony.
If you are registered as a PlayStation Network user and subscribed to get promotional emails from the company, there should be an email sitting in your mailbox today that shows the gaming stats for 2018. This information includes Total Games Played, Hours Played and Trophies earned.
The email concludes by thanking the user and offering them three of these free dynamic themes to use for the PS4. They are the following themes that are all redeemed with a single code on the PlayStation Store.
- 2018 Wrap-Up Sketch Theme
- 2018 Wrap-Up City Theme
- 2018 Wrap-Up Map Theme
All of these themes have the description saying “What a year it’s been! Congratulations on your accomplishments,” without diving into the exact achievements. It is safe to assume that they will be given to everyone.
Once you are done with this all, you can take a deeper look at the 2018 gaming stats. You can view them further by clicking on the trophy or hours played to open a new window with detailed stats. Let us know if you have managed to get any of these emails or share your stats with us in the comments below.