The initial PC/Steam VR driver for Sony Interactive Entertainment’s virtual reality headset, PSVR2, is now close to release.
The creator of iVRy drivers, which allow a range of otherwise incompatible VR headsets to work on PC, has revealed that they nearing the public release of a PC/Steam VR driver for the PSVR2 headset. They stated that the technical hurdles involved in getting PSVR2 working on Windows have been overcome, and work is now underway to release a SteamVR driver. There are a few caveats, however.

For starters, the drivers currently only work with AMD RDNA2+ GPUs. iVRy mentioned that they are in talks with nVidia for DSC(Display Stream Compression) configuration fixes, though no time frame for said fixes was given. In addition, connecting the PSVR2 headset with PC will require a VirtualLink port, which can be done via a Bizlink Adapter.
In terms of tracking, the current version of the iVRy drivers for PSVR2 only support 6DOF headset tracking. Support for motion controller tracking is a long way off, and eye tracking support is even further ahead. According to iVRy, the controllers will need an expensive Bluetooth “sniffer” or some kind of MitM setup to figure out the protocol used to blink the LEDs. They mentioned that eye tracking is so far off the radar that it’s not worth thinking about at this stage. Though, they do have access to the data packets sent from PSVR2 for both.
Furthermore, iVRy stated that the setup will require an additional custom dongle from iVRY. Its price has yet to be determined, though it will cost under $100 and will Initially only be available to their patreon supporters. It was also said that only 100 of these dongles will be manufactured this year.
The PlayStation VR2 is a virtual reality headset for the PlayStation 5 console that was released on February 22, 2023.