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Resident Evil 7 PS5 and XSX Patch Could Be Revealed at REShowcase

Capcom is working on a Resident Evil 7 patch for the PS5 and Xbox Series X that could get an announcement at the upcoming REShowcase on April 15.

Resident Evil 7 already supports 4K at 60 FPS on the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X but the game could make do with some of the enhancements that are featured in the PC version including high-quality textures and a native 4K resolution.

Capcom is currently bundling the complete edition of Resident Evil VII with Village and charging $79.99 for it. However, even if someone pre-orders this bundle on Xbox Store, they won’t be able to play Resident Evil VII until the launch of Resident Evil Village, which feels strange since the game is already playable on PS4 and Xbox One.

resident evil 7 ps5 xbox series patch

Taking a look at the bundle on the PlayStation Store, there is no mention of the game running through backward compatibility mode suggesting that it could be for the PS5. The difference here is that those who pre-order the bundle on the PlayStation Store will be able to download and play Resident Evil 7 immediately unlike the Xbox Store.

According to DuskGolem, the upcoming Resident Evil Showcase might feature an announcement that confirms the current-generation patch for Resident Evil VII. This patch could be released on the same date just like the datamined demo that has been discovered on the PlayStation servers.

Resident Evil Village is slated to launch on May 7, 2021, and will release for the PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and PC.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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