Update: Insomniac games has denied the presence of co-op support in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, stating that it is an “epic single-player adventure”.
Original Story: The voice actor for Miles Morales has teased co-op support, the presence of symbiotes, and more in Insomniac Games’ upcoming Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
Speaking during a Q&A session, Miles Morales voice actor, Nadji Jeter, hinted at the possibility of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 featuring co-op and the presence of symbiotes “everywhere” in the game.

In response to a question from the audience regarding the possibility of a cooperative mode in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, Jeter stated that he thought it had already been announced. While he wasn’t sure whether it had been announced, as far as he knew, co-op is featured in the game. He added that the reveal trailer for Spider-Man 2 already gave a sense of the idea that the game would feature a cooperative mode, with both Peter Parker and Miles Morales aiding each other in combat.
Regarding the presence of symbiotes, Jeter stated that they’re “everywhere”, suggesting that they play a major role in the game’s story. He also hinted at the possibility of Miles getting a symbiote costume. He also mentioned that Miles Morales’ character progression from Spider-Man: Miles Morales to Spider-Man 2 will be evident, as the character gets “clever” with his webs in the upcoming game.
Back in 2022, it was reported that Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 may feature some sort of a co-op and PvP mode, based on evidence found in files from the PC version of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered. Going by the evidence found in files from the recent PC release of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, mention of a co-op mode as well as hints of a PvP mode were spotted. It’s possible that they were being tested as early features for the sequel.
In addition, there was mention terms like “Player 1”, “Player 2”, “Red Team”, “Blue Team”, and “Prototype”, indicating that a prototype featuring co-op and PvP was being tested using Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered, likely for the sequel.