Tekken 7 Negan Gameplay Revealed, New Season Pass Characters Confirmed
Negan has been revealed for Tekken 7 in a new gameplay trailer. This iconic character was teased with a video that was inspired by the infamous scene in The Walking Dead TV Show.
Negan is one of the characters that are a part of the Season Pass for The Walking Dead. He was already confirmed to be a part of the Season Pass, but this new trailer is the first time fans had the chance to take a look at his gameplay and abilities. He uses his trustworthy bat, Lucille, to smash his foes to death.
The gameplay footage begins with a scene that is taken straight from The Walking Dead TV Show. The difference is that instead of the cast from the TV show, they are replaced by Tekken 7 characters. Negan does the same routine of picking up his victim here and ends up with Paul. This is used in a clever way to show his ultimate move as well.
In addition to Negan, a couple of other characters were also confirmed including Marduk and Armor King. The Tekken 7 Season Pass is in its second iteration now. The first one had Geese Howard and Noctis as guest characters. The second one has Negan as one of the guest characters.
Tekken 7 is available now on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC.