Update version 5.00 is now being rolled out for Tekken 7, and patch notes have been released. This marks the final major update for Namco’s popular fighting game.
Major changes in update 5.00 for Tekken 7 include the addition of “Wall Yorokage-Induced Strike” and “Wall Yorokage-Induced Guard” mechanics and an various balance changes and adjustments to close the gap between characters and make them more competitive against each other.

Tekken 7 Update 5.00 Patch Notes
The patch notes for Tekken 7’s update 5.00 can be seen below.
- Adjustments have been made to overall character performance
- Various balance changes and adjustments have been made for each character to close the power gap between them (individual changes for each character can be seen here)
- In addition, in order to make all characters feel the change and create new tactics at the wall, “Wall Yorokage-Induced Strike” and “Wall Yorokage-Induced Guard” have been implemented
- Addition of communication information display on PS4, Xbox One, and Steam
- Communication information display has been added to the battle screen of online matches
- In addition to the existing “Antenna Icon”, “Ping/RTT”, “Delay Frames” and “Rollback Frames” are now displayed
- Improved overall game stability on PS4, Xbox One, and Steam
- Fixed some system-related bugs
According to Namco, due to the changes made to character balance and the addition of new mechanics, replays saved in previous versions of the game will no longer be available for viewing.
Tekken 7 is a fighting game developed and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It is the ninth overall and seventh primary Tekken instalment. In March 2015, Tekken 7 was made available in arcades in a limited capacity. Tekken 7: Fated Retribution, an upgraded arcade version, was released in July 2016, and it featured more content, such as new stages, costumes, accessories, and characters. The home release of Tekken 7 is based on Fated Retribution, and it was made available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows on June 2, 2017.