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AMD Is Ramping Up Production To Support Holiday 2020 Launch of PS5 and Xbox Series X

AMD is going to increase its production of new hardware to support the launch of both PS5 and Xbox Series X in Holiday 2020.

AMD is the key manufacturer for both of the next-generation consoles. Sony and Microsoft have confirmed the hardware specifications for their next-generation consoles and they feature an AMD Zen CPU and AMD RDNA GPU. Together, there might be a difference between the consoles in terms of modifications made for custom hardware and lower TFLOPs but they also deal with the same manufacturer for their silicon, AMD.

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AMD has recently talked about ramping up their production as they are expecting an increase in revenue in the second half of the year. They are attributing this increase to the PS5 and Xbox Series X, which are reportedly launching in Holiday 2020.

“We expect semi-custom revenue to increase in the second quarter and be heavily weighted towards the second half of the year as we ramp production to support the holiday launches of the new PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X consoles, ” said Lisa Su, in AMD’s Q1 2020 earnings call.

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Sony and Microsoft both have stressed that their next-generation consoles remain track to launch in Holiday 2020. This is despite the on-going COVID-19 pandemic which has negatively impacted production and put the global economy in a recession. While the software is getting delayed, the hardware is expected to arrive in Holiday 2020 however as per early reports, these consoles might launch with a lower stock and will have to keep production to meet demand after launch.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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