Pirates of the Caribbean will see a reboot in the future that is likely going to feature a different Jack Sparrow as Johnny Depp is on his way out.
Pirates of the Caribbean franchise is declining with each new movie opening below its predecessors, so Disney has to make some changes in order to make it more sustainable. They are currently looking at a reboot for Pirates of the Caribbean 6, however, the bigger news is that they are considering it without Johnny Depp returning back as the popular Jack Sparrow.

In an interview with Hollywood Reporter, Disney chief of Film Production, Sean Bailey confirmed that Johnny Depp is not being considered for the reboot.
We want to bring in a new energy and vitality, I love the movies, but part of the reason Paul and Rhett are so interesting is that we want to give it a kick in the pants. And that’s what I’ve tasked them with.
Pirates of the Caribbean is the franchise that brought Johnny Depp worldwide acclaim and also earned him an Academy Awards nomination. He has played Jack Sparrow in all five of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies with the latest one being Dead Man Tell No Tales that launched last year. It was another box office decline for the franchise that dropped significantly in North America but did good enough in rest of the International market leading to a life-to-date gross of $794 million worldwide.