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Modern Warfare Pre-Load On Xbox One Divides The Game Into Multiple Packs

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available to pre-load on Xbox One and it uses a unique way to combine the game into multiple packs for download.

As the game file size was already confirmed through the PlayStation Store, it is still a big question mark for the Xbox One. The PC version requirements were also quite strange with a demand for 175 GB of hard disk space, which could also be a mistake.

Those who have pre-ordered the game on Xbox One can download the game through the official pre-load which is out now. According to this reddit post, the pre-load comes divided into five different packs including one “hub” pack.

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There are a total of two Campaign Packs, one Multiplayer Pack, one Spec Ops Pack, and one “Hub” game. If you have bought the Operator Pack or the Enhanced Edition, you will get one another Operator Pack. The total size of all these packs is roughly 45 GB on the regular Xbox One.

This can be seen in an image that shows how the game is being pre-loaded on the Xbox One. It is quite a unique way to pre-load the game while also delivering updates individually to the different gameplay modes.

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While there is no information about a possible day one update, for now, it is very likely that the final file size of Modern Warfare can end up touching closer to 100 GB as the launch draws closer for it.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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