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Battlefield 2042 Achieves 60 FPS On Xbox Series S At The Cost of Sub-1080p Resolution

Battlefield 2042 supports dynamic 4K resolution on the PS5 and Xbox Series X, but on the Xbox Series S, it doesn’t quite manage to hit 4K.

Based on a new technical analysis of the frame rate and resolution of Battlefield 2042 on the PS5 and Xbox Series X, we find out that it runs at a dynamic resolution that peaks at 1278p and can drop lower to 810p. While this is not a common resolution occurrence, it does happen when the game is under heavy load.

Here’s what our friends over at VGTech had to say regarding the performance of Battlefield 2042 on the Xbox Series S.

Xbox Series S uses a dynamic resolution with the highest resolution found being approximately 2272×1278 and the lowest resolution found being approximately 1440×810. Pixel counts at 1440×810 seem to be rare on Xbox Series S.

Xbox Series S also sacrifices foliage and draw distance quality compared to the other current-generation consoles. This is in addition to a lower resolution.

In the case of Xbox Series X and PS5, we learn that Microsoft’s console is at an advantage in terms of resolution. It runs at a higher resolution on average than the Xbox Series X. It is still a dynamic 4K implementation that also applies to the PS5.

While this could be a bug, the frame time can spike during certain sequences on the Xbox Series X. This problem is not replicated on the Xbox Series S and PS5.

While you are here, take a moment to look at our review of the game, or find out how you can refund it from EA if you are facing any issues. You can also take a look at the currently known issues and fixes for Battlefield 2042.

Salal Awan

Salal's main hobby is photography but he is also interested in learning the latest about Technology including Smartphones and PC Hardware. He is the co-founder of Twisted Voxel and always on the lookout for the news.

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