Crime Boss is now available on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC, and if you’re on the fence about which version to pick up, read ahead.
The game offers 2 graphical modes on PS5 and Xbox Series i.e. Quality and Performance. The Quality mode offers higher graphical settings compared to Performance mode, where screen space reflections are entirely disabled. On PC, it is possible to run Crime Boss at max settings and get a better graphical experience over the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions.
In terms of resolution, the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions run at a resolution of 4K in both modes that is reconstructed from a native resolution of dynamic 1080p in Quality mode. In Performance mode, the game runs at a native resolution of 1080p with no reconstruction applied. The Xbox Series S version runs at a resolution of 1080p that is reconstructed from a native resolution of dynamic 720p.
With regards to performance, the PS5 and Xbox Series X versions target a frame rate of 60 fps in both Quality mode and Performance modes. Xbox Series X offers better performance in Quality mode compared to PS5, but both versions have problems maintaining 60fps here. Both consoles do a better job of maintaining the target frame rate in Performance mode. The Xbox Series S version fails to maintain 60 fps despite the lower resolution.

All in all, Crime Boss is not well optimized on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and significant compromises to image quality have to be made in order to get relatively stable performance. Xbox Series X does a better job of maintaining the target frame rate in comparison to PS5.
Crime Boss: Rockay City is an immersive cooperative first-person shooter. It is developed by Ingame Studios and published by 505 Games. Players take on the role of a skilled mastermind assembling a team of criminals. Their mission is to embark on daring heists, infiltrations, engage in intense shootouts, and defeat enemies.