In order to play Saints Row in co-op with a friend, you’ll need to take care of the following requirements:

  • The host has completed the mission “MAKING RENT
  • Neither the host, or the other player are in an active mission (Note: The whole tutorial, until completing “MAKING RENT” is deemed as active mission)
  • Both players need to be on the same game version
  • A PlayStation 4 player cannot actively invite a PlayStation 5 users directly in-game. The PlayStation 5 player will need to use “request to join” in the co-op menu instead, and then can be accepted into the game by the PlayStation 4
  • If you have issues joining a friend in co-op, resulting in a prolonged “Waiting for Host” message, restarting the application will fix the problem

Saints Row is set in the fictional city of Santo Ileso, which is based somewhat on Las Vegas, Nevada, and is situated in the American southwest. Three criminal gangs rule Santo Ileso: the Idols, an anarchist gang that targets nightclubs and nightlife; Los Panteros, a tough car and fitness-oriented gang; and Marshall Defense Industries, an international private military company with a Santo Ileso base that is renowned for its cutting-edge high-tech weaponry.

The player character, “The Boss,” is a former employee of Marshall Defense Industries. He forms a new gang out of these gangs’ disgruntled members in order to usurp control over them. The fifth entry in the series was released on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Google Stadia on August 23, 2022.