No More Heroes 3 Receives Visual Upgrade On PS4/PS5, Direct Switch Port On PC

by Muhammad Ali Bari

No More Heroes 3 has received a notable graphical upgrade on PS5, while the PC version is a bare-bones port of the Switch version with little to no improvements.

No More Heroes fans who plan on playing the PS5 version of No More Heroes 3 will be glad to know that it has received a visual upgrade over the original Switch version, though, unfortunately, those looking to pick up the game on PC aren’t as lucky.

No More Heroes 3 PS5 vs PC Comparison

Developer Muteki was responsible for the console re-releases of No More Heroes 3, while Bee Tribe handled the PC port. The PS5 version received upgrades to both the visuals and draw distance. A screenshot and video comparison can be seen below.

No more heroes 3 ps5 pc upgrade

As seen above, there are assets, such as buildings and clouds, found in the background on PS5 that are not present on Switch or PC, likely to the lower draw distance setting in both versions. The texture work on character clothing also appears to have received updated textures on PS5, while the PC version exhibits the same texture detail found on in the Switch version. As such, it’s fair to say that the PC version is quite literally a direct port of the Switch version no improvements to the visuals outside of a higher rendering resolution.

No more heroes 3 ps5 pc upgrade

No more heroes 3 ps5 pc upgrade

No more heroes 3 ps5 pc upgrade

No more heroes 3 ps5 pc upgrade

The Switch version was toned down in places where the developer opted to use flat images for their background in order to save up on resources. As seen in the comparison above, the PS4 and PS5 ports have been reworked by developer Muteki so that the background scenery is comprised of fully rendered assets rather than a flat image in the Switch and PC versions. Given the wide array of PC specs available on the market, it’s odd to see that there are no graphical settings available in the game that would allow it to match the visuals seen in the PS4 and PS5 version.

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