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Potential Resident Evil 9 Leak Hints At New Setting And Enemies

New information regarding the setting and enemies featured in the next title in Capcom’s survival horror series, Resident Evil 9, may have been leaked early.

As with all leaks that emerge via 4chan, we encourage our readers to take this information with a pinch of salt. Based on the leaked details, the working title for the game is Resident Evil Apocalypse.

Resident evil 9

Western Ghost Town

According to the leaked information, Resident Evil 9 will be set within a ghost town in the west, involving a special investigation. The region will include caves, river, a small town and a nearby camping site. The leak states that the forest is creepy and unsettling. Without a map, it’ll be easy for players to lose their way. Some doors can be forced to open, locked, barricaded, and broken by melee weapons.

Mythological Creatures

Enemies will have resemble some sort of malformed creatures, and the locals will refer to them as “Wendigo” or “Goatman”, the latter of which will resemble mythological creatures with horns. These enemies can mimic human speech and can even transform into friendly NPC. The player will have to keep an eye open and look for oddities in their behavior in order to recognize them as foes, as they’re otherwise capable of flawlessly imitating human dialect. Assuming this is true, it certainly sounds like an intriguing idea on paper, though it remains to be seen how it plays out during gameplay.

A New Lady In Town

There will be times when you’ll hear someone approaching you from behind in the forest. Turning around will often reveal no one, though there may actually be a monster stalking you on certain occasions. Based on the leak, one of the game’s first bosses is known as Barghest. Although less clever than other monsters, it is described as a “big black dog with a twist.” A lady known to the locals as Glaistig will be one of the main antagonists. It is stated that she wears a mourning green gown along with gold accessories, and that her character design will likely appeal to fans, much like Lady Dimitrescu did in Resident Evil Village.

Resident evil 9

What Are Ya Buyin’?

It is also mentioned in the leak that the player will get assistance from a female bioweapon named Hulder. When you show her any riches, keys, or puzzle pieces you discover along the way, she will act as your guide through the forest and share some of the town’s history with you. She will also teach the player various herb combinations. The monsters respect and dread this lady, just as they do Glaistig, and they won’t approach her, which would explain why they can’t enter safe zones.

Lastly, the leak states that the “9th Moon Phase” will be the main theme of the story, which is where the word “Apocalypse” originates from. The moon is the game’s emblem, and it is expected to be featured prominently on the logo for Resident Evil 9.

Muhammad Ali Bari

Muhammad Ali Bari has a knack for covering reviews. He manages our content pipeline, creates timelines for scheduled editorial tasks, and helps us cover exciting content. In his spare time, he enjoys playing multiplayer games.

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