A listing for PlayStation 5 exclusive Returnal has appeared on SteamDB, implying that a PC release is coming soon. The listing is codenamed ‘Oregon’, and contains user tags including ‘Online Co-op’, ‘Third-Person Shooter’, ‘Bullet Hell’, ‘Sci-fi’, and ‘Rogue-like’.
The Returnal listing for PC on SteamDB has rich presence tokens, as seen below.

- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#appoverlay_unsaveddatawarning: Unsaved game data may be lost.
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#displaystatus: {#Status_%Activity%} – {#Status_%GameplayType%} – {#Status_Time}
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_abouttodie: About to Die
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_atropos: Atropos
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_coop: Co-op
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_dailychallenge: Daily Challenge
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_exploring: Exploring
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_inarena: In Arena
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_inbossfight: In Bossfight
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_incombat: In Combat
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_inheavycombat: In Heavy Combat
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_inship: In Helios
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_inshop: In Shop
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_photomode: Photo Mode
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_returning: Returning
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_time: Current run: %PlayTime%
- Added richpresence/english/tokens/#status_tower: Tower of Sisyphus
Of particular note are the tokens added for Atropos and Tower of Sisyphus. For the uninitiated, Returnal puts players in the role of Selene Vassos, an astronaut who landed on the planet Atropos in quest of the enigmatic “White Shadow” signal and becomes imprisoned in a temporal loop. It was released for the PS5 on April 30, 2021. Meanwhile, a free upgrade called Ascension was released on March 22, 2022, which included a cooperative multiplayer option and a new level called The Tower of Sisyphus.
Retunal was also listed on the Nvidia GeForce leak from last among the games that would eventually make their way to PC. Putting two and two together, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before Sony and developer Housemarque announce the PC version. The studio is no stranger to PC releases, as it has previously released Nex Machina on the platform.
Returnal is a psychological horror-themed third-person shooter video game that includes rogue-like features. Selene is revived after each death, continuing her cycle of traveling to new places and confronting alien creatures with evolving visions in an ever-changing universe.