Capcom is carrying out discussions regarding the hack-and-slash action-adventure series, Onimusha, in order to bring it to modern platforms. In response to a question during a Q&A session that preceded its 44th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders regarding the publisher’s future plans for expanding the Monster Hunter, Toraware no Paruma, Sengoku BASARA and Onimusha series, […]
Onimusha fans who want something new from the series need to temper their expectations. The sales of the remaster were lower than Capcom’s expectations. Back in 2019, we reported on how Capcom plans to revive the Onimusha series and had expectations for the remaster to do well. Unfortunately, after the launch of the first game […]
Onimusha Warlords is a new remaster released by Capcom that finally brings back the long-dormant franchise into the spotlight. It is available now for the PS4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch. Normally, when such a thing happens, it is expected that the company has other plans in the future. Onimusha is apparently being considered […]