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Call of Duty: Cold War Is The New Game This Year, Reveal In Warzone

Call of Duty: Cold War is the brand new Call of Duty game that will launch later this year. It will get an official reveal in Warzone, the free-to-play COD game.

Activision has announced Call of Duty 2020 title and just like the earlier leaks, it is now confirmed to be called Call of Duty: Cold War. This title was officially confirmed through a teaser solved by fans that led to a video called “Know Your History.” It concluded with the title of the next Call of Duty.

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According to the teaser, as seen below, the full worldwide reveal is set for August 26.


If we go by the release date of the previous Call of Duty games, it will reportedly launch in November. However, Activision has already shared their plans on how they want to approach the mainline Call of Duty games and the free-to-play Warzone. They have achieved success with the free-to-play multiplayer Warzone that is separate from the last mainline game.

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According to Activision, Warzone will continue to receive updates despite the launch of a new mainline Call of Duty game later this year. Cold War is the new Call of Duty that is launching in 2020 following up on its predecessor, Modern Warfare. The series has consistently set new sales records every year becoming one of the top-selling games worldwide.

Ali Haider

Ali Haider loves to dabble in multimedia projects. He has a passion for editing and managing YouTube videos and loves writing in his spare time.

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