Fortnite Season 7 Week 4: List of All Challenges And How To Complete Them
Fortnite weekly challenges are available to view again before the next week properly starts. Here is the list of the challenges that will be available for Fortnite Season 7 Week 4 and instructions on how to solve them.
Fortnite weekly challenges are useful if you are grinding for Battle Pass rewards. For the upcoming week, the following challenges were leaked ahead of the announcement. You can have a look at them below.
Fortnite Season 7 Week 4 – All Challenges And How To Complete Them
Free Challenges
- Stage 1: Destroy Chairs – 1 Battle Star
- Stage 2: Destroy Wooden Utility Poles – 1 Battle Star
- Final Stage: Destroy Wooden Palettes – 1 Battle Star
- Stage 1: Search the letter “O” west of Pleasant Park – 1 Battle Star
- Stage 2: Search the letter “S” in Wailing Woods – 1 Battle Star
- Stage 2: Search the letter “M” in Dusty Divot – 1 Battle Star
- Stage 2: Search the letter “N” under a frozen lake – 1 Battle Star
- Final Stage: Visit the NOMS sign in Retail Row – 1 Battle Star
- (?) Pickaxe Damage – 10 Battle Stars
Battle Pass Challenges
- Eliminate opponents at all Expedition Outposts – Unknown Battle Stars
- X Eliminations at Happy Hamlet or Pleasant Park – Unknown Battle Stars
- Launch X Fireworks – Unknown Battle Stars
- Use an X-4 Stormwing Plane in X different matches – Unknown Battle Stars
Looking for more information on Fortnite, make sure to check out the previous weeks. Here are the Week 2 challenges followed by Week 3.
Fortnite is currently in its Season 7. It is updated almost weekly by Epic Games but due to holidays, there was no update released this week.