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Games With Gold January 2022 Lineup Leaked For Xbox One and Xbox 360

Microsoft hasn’t officially announced the Xbox Live Games with Gold lineup for January 2022, but it has been leaked yet again on Dealabs.

Dealabs user billbil-kun has shared the list of games that will be available for all Xbox Live Gold subscribers in January 2022 and compared to the leaked PS Plus games lineup, the next month is rather mild for Xbox Live Gold subscribers.

Here is the leaked list of games that were shared by billbil-kun of Dealabs.

  • Aground (January 16 to February 16)
  • NeuroVoider (January 1 to January 31)
  • Radiant Silvergun (January 1 to January 15)
  • Space Invaders Infinity Gene (January 16 to January 31)

Aground and NeuroVoider will be for Xbox One and they are also playable for Xbox Series through backward compatibility. Meanwhile, Radiant Silvergun and Space Invaders Infinity Gene are for Xbox 360, and just like Xbox One games, they will be playable on Xbox Series through backward compatibility.

Obviously, this is the leaked list of games for now, but there is no reason to doubt the authenticity of the list since the user has a solid track. This user had also leaked the Games With Gold lineup for December ahead of the official announcement and has now done the same with the next month.

Microsoft is expected to make an announcement for the Games with Gold lineup soon. We will soon have an official announcement that can verify this leak.

Salal Awan

Salal's main hobby is photography but he is also interested in learning the latest about Technology including Smartphones and PC Hardware. He is the co-founder of Twisted Voxel and always on the lookout for the news.

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