Now that Ganyu the Cryo Archer has finally made her highly anticipated debut into the world of Genshin Impact as a playable character, players should keenly be aware of the Qingxin flower.
You might not have paid much attention to this flower in the game earlier, but it is an extremely crucial item that is used in the ascension of two different characters. One is the as of yet unavailable Xiao, and the other is Ganyu herself.
Genshin Impact Qingxin Flower Farming
Like most flora in Genshin Impact, the Qingxin flower can be found in randomly scattered bunches in certain locations of the world. In the screenshot below, you can see some of the best farming locations for the item on the map.

The very first area you should search is Qingce Village. There is a large group of about 15 flowers just to the southwest of the settlement.
The next big cluster is at the Huaguang Stone Forest, which has about 9 more Qingxin plants. This area is a lot more vertical than Qingce Village, and the flowers are a lot more scattered.
From Huaguang Stone Forest, make your way up to Qingyun Peak for around 6 more flowers, and from there just explore the unnamed region to the northeast for a few more, but very thoroughly scattered, flowers.
And that about does it for all of the major farming locations of the Qingxin flowers. If you still need more, you can also search around Guyun Stone Forest and Jueyun Karst, but neither of these locations has the plant in large numbers.
If you’re really desperate, you can also just straight-up buy the flowers from the Bubu Pharmacy in Liyue Harbor for 600 Mora each.
This has been our guide on Genshin Impact Qingxin Flower Farming. You can also check out our article on the Genshin Impact: Brightcrown Canyon Treasure Location here.