Some copies of the God of War Ragnarok Collector’s Edition are missing the actual game, and PS5 console bundle owners have discovered that they received the PS4 version instead.
A number of people who purchased the Collector’s Edition are reporting that their package arrived without a code for the actual game, while those who picked up the PS5 God of War Ragnarok bundle have received the PS4 version of the game instead of the current-gen version, despite the ‘Redeem Code’ flyer prominently stating that it’s for the PS5 version.

As a result, those with PS5 bundles are left with no choice but to pay an additional $10 in order to play the PS5 version of God of War Ragnarok.
One buyer of the Collector’s Edition reported that they received two vouchers for the same DLC code, and that there was no game code included in the package. They also mentioned other buyers that have reported the same issue over social media. Meanwhile, some owners of the Jotnar Editions did not receive a steel book in their package. There’s now a dedicated Twitter account titled “GOW Collector’s Edition Mishap!” that is highlighting all Collector’s Edition buyers who have been affected by the issue.
God of War Ragnarok is now available, and those who have just received their physical copies of the game will be prompted to download update 2.0. Hundreds of bug fixes are packed in update 2.0 for God of War Ragnarok, and the patch notes list fixes for issues related to dialogue, cinematics, quest progression, gameplay, combat, equipment and upgrades, UI/UX, stability and performance, visual impact, audio, and accessibility, and localization. According to the patch notes, update 2.0 also takes care of some lingering PS4 and PS5 specific issues found in God of War Ragnarok. For a detailed look at the patch notes, follow the link here.