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Persona 6 Logo Concept & Theme Reportedly Leaked

The logo concept and theme for Sega and Atlus’ next entry in the Persona series, Persona 6, has reportedly been leaked.

Twitter user Midori, who has previously shared details on titles that are in development at Sega and Square Enix, has revealed the alleged logo concept and story theme of Persona 6. According to her, the game had entered full production before the recent batch of Persona titles i.e. Persona 3 Reload and Person 5 Tactica.

Persona 6 logo

Persona 6 Logo Concept

The alleged logo concept for Persona 6, as revealed by the insider, can be seen below.

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Midori cautioned that this is not the final logo design, and is more of a concept. She pointed out that Atlus had previously revealed a similar logo concept back when Persona 5 was announced.

Persona 6 Story Theme

According to the insider, the theme of Persona 6 is on the edge of Yin and Yang, suggesting that the game may feature a dual protagonists scenario, perhaps with a male and female character in the lead. Only time will tell whether this is the case, however.

The same insider had previously claimed that the color theme for Persona 6 is green. Artwork recently shared by Atlus lends further credibility to this rumor.

Persona 6 logo

As seen above, there is a bucket filled with green paint next to the Persona 5 protagonist. According to the insider, this is the shade of green that is used for Persona 6’s color theme. When taking the number from the respective Persona title that each character represents, we end up with the number sequence of ‘65133224’, with the digital ‘6’ at the beginning being based on the assumption that the bucket represents Persona 6. Twitter user FranDarkstar discovered that if we reverse the order of the number, we get ‘42233156’. If we then use this sequence as an RGB value, we get the same color as the paint that’s inside the bucket.

Muhammad Ali Bari

Muhammad Ali Bari has a knack for covering reviews. He manages our content pipeline, creates timelines for scheduled editorial tasks, and helps us cover exciting content. In his spare time, he enjoys playing multiplayer games.

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