The PlayStation exclusive project in development at Deviation Games has allegedly been canceled, resulting in a loss of $50 million.
Twitter user bogorad222 claims to have asked a former employee at Deviation Games regarding the apparently canceled PlayStation exclusive title that was in development at the studio. In response, the developer allegedly confirmed the game’s cancellation “by accident”.

According to the Twitter user, when asked why Sony had canceled the project, the developer responded by saying that he wasn’t really sure, though he mentioned cost cutting as the likely reason.
The former Deviation Games employee in question is Shaun E., who had worked at the studio for 2 years. Based on his Linkedin profile, the budget for Sony’s project appears to have been “
Previously, it was reported that the PlayStation exclusive title in development at Deviation Games would feature both solo and co-op gameplay modes. According to the LinkedIn profile of Design Director at Deviation Games, Derek Sunshine, the multiplayer focused PlayStation exclusive title would feature both solo and co-op gameplay modes.
Sunshine was directly involved with the implementation of the solo/co-op, suggesting that the game would likely feature drop-in/drop-out multiplayer. That’s not to say, however, that the game wouldn’t have a competitive multiplayer mode. There isn’t a whole lot of information available on the project besides the fact that former Call of Duty Black Ops veteran developers have been involved in its creation. The Design Director had previously been working as Creative Director for Amazon Games, where he had helped establish games and IP for first and second party games.
The development status of Deviation Games’ unnamed title is currently unknown. It was revealed earlier on that the other multiplayer-focused PlayStation exclusive title, in development at Haven Studios, was ready to move from pre-production to production phase.