PUBG Update 1.52 Is Out, Here Are The Patch Notes
PUBG has been updated to version 1.52 on PS4 and Xbox One. The official update version is 8.3. Here are the patch notes for this update.
This update implements a number of new features including “a new Ferry system to Erangel, a new item that can temporarily negate Bluezone damage, two new Team Deathmatch stages on Sanhok, a number of bug and hitching fixes, and more.” In addition, destructible haystacks have been added to Miramar.
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The patch notes featuring these new changes can be viewed here. As for the general bug fixes, get the details on them below.
PUBG Update 1.52 Patch Notes
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the excessive reverb of the AWM firing sound.
- Fixed the reverb sound of Kar98k not played while shooting the weapon outdoors
- Fixed the issue where players could use melee weapons inside the first starting plane in War Mode
- Fixed a visual issue with the Skorpion where the bolt moved too far forward in single fire mode.
- Fixed the issue where Skorpion’s ejector does not open after switching to full-auto firing mode
- Fixed the issue where Panzerfaust’s warhead stays in the air when fired as the player gets DBNO’d.
- Fixed the issue where throwing a grenade at the exact moment of death created a duplicate grenade in the inventory
- Fixed the issue where vaulting whilst switching weapons may interrupt the action and can unholster the weapon.
- Fixed the issue where a character’s face would display abnormally when performing a throwing action after holding a melee weapon.
- Fixed the issue where M24’s front iron sight would display abnormally in ADS
- Fixed the issue of reconnection popup message not being displayed when player reconnects to match after crashing
- Fixed the issue of when ADSing with 4x on MG3, players are able to see the reticle of 5.56mm weapon.
- Fixed the issue when a party is not created when sending an invitation to a platform friend in a custom match.
- Fixed the issue where the highlight is gone if you scroll down from the settings, game play tab, use items continuously and then going into deathcam.
- Fixed the issue where the arm clips with characters body when reloading.
- Fixed the issue where the character drops 3 magazines when doing a full reload.
- Fixed the issue when the loot truck disappears from the screen, the smoke effect disappears as well.
- Fixed the issue where you are able to send platform invitations to players in a custom match session.
- Fixed the issue where opponents’ head and outfit were invisible in certain occasions.
- Fixed the issue where boats could spawn on the bridges at the docks of Erangel
- Fixed the issue where characters located in the very front of the train could take damage when jumping continuously.
- Fixed the issue where ammunition is not spawned in Ranked, Miramar.
- Fixed the issue where in certain buildings of the Podvosto area in Vikendi had roof textures inside of the buildings.
- Fixed the issue where a player is able to see through a wall in a certain location in Paradise Resort in FPP mode.
- Fixed the issue where the wheel texture gets awkward when driving on certain lines on the road in Campo Militar, Miramar.
- Fixed the issue of players being spawned in midair in certain places.
- Fixed the issue of a destroyed shack seems intact from afar in Erangel.
- Fixed the issue where you can walk through walls in certain buildings of El Pozo, Miramar.
- Fixed the issue where in Ruins, some bumps where impossible to walk over while walking.
- Fixed the issue where in some parts of Miramar, certain objects were displayed wrongly when crashing into them on a motorcycle. Followed by getting rejected from motorcycles.
- Fixed the misaligned texts in the match history screen.
- Fixed the omitted level information of some helmet items in the customize screen.
- Fixed the issue where new makeup skins are being misaligned in the customize screen.
- Fixed the issue where some killfeed images overlapping with other UI during killcam.
- Fixed the issue where squadmates were not displayed in the team list UI.
- Fixed the issue of friends list showing recent list when fullscreen is closed on recent tab.
Fixed the issue where pagination arrows did not have any sound effects.
Skin & Item
- Fixed the awkward texture displayed when equipping Plaid Skirt (Flannel Gray) item.
- Fixed the issue where character only wearing coat/jacket costumes after the game starts when equipping bow tie costume along with them.
- Fixed the issue where part of character’s body becoming partially transparent when equipping Heavy Fur Coat and Summer Bikini items together.
- Fixed the issue where female character’s legs displayed abnormally when equipping Lucha Royale Wrestler boots.
- Fixed the clipping issue when equipping Duncan’s pants item
- Fixed the reversed text on the Retro Synthwave skin.
- Fixed the issue where earrings disappear when equipping facial skins (Mustache, masks etc.) along with Sassy Shades (Red) item.
- Fixed the clipping issue when equipping hoodie items along with PCS1 Mask item.
- Fixed the clipping issue when equipping long shirt with Punk Knukles Gloves.
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PUBG is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.